
My name is Just van den Broecke. I am an independent developer of Open Source Geospatial components and services. In most of my projects I apply geospatial web services based on OGC standards. Examples are WMS for mapserving, WFS for feature data. Especially at critical customer infrastructures for these services I saw the arising need to monitor these web-services, not just their availability, but also their "well-functioning", in more technical terms their Quality-of-Service (QoS).
This became the start of my involvement in the Open Source GeoHealthCheck (GHC) Project, started by Tom Kralidis. Now I am one of the key developers for GHC. I apply GHC daily for both my own geospatial web-services like the Map5.nl Map Services, but also at customer sites.
Why geoqos.com?
I sensed that many institutions/companies would like to have GHC placed outside their infrastructure (to mimic external users), but also be relieved from deploying and maintaining their own GHC instance. Hence geoqos.com began.
What is GeoHealthCheck?
If you are totally new to GHC, the best way to start is to follow this online GHC Presentation. It focuses first on the neccessity of detailed geospatial service monitoring, introducing GHC and in particularly its UI.
From the GeoHealthCheck Project Page you will find more resources. And...we always welcome additional developers!
Who is geoqos.com?
geoqos.com is a cloud-service developed, owned and hosted by Just Objects B.V..